
Friday, April 26, 2024

2015 Summer Journey Crossing Alaska, part 14

 2015 Summer Journey

Alaskan Crossing, part14
South Bound on the Haul Road

July 09, 2015
Our morning routine had pretty much settle into me getting out of the camper while Julie prepares the morning meal. The coolness of the morning air had a nice crisp feel to it.

Nearby mountains had the clouds hanging on them like flocking on a Christmas tree, a beautiful way to begin one’s day.

Wandering around I spied a bear paw print, it looked like it had been there for sometime, somewhat dried out. By this time Julie had breakfast ready and was yelling come get it. Breakfast was eggs, sausage, toast and some more hot coffee this morning, sure did taste great. Just before heading on out, cleaning of the wind shield had to be done.

We started the long climb back up Atigun Pass, sparse clouds clinging to the mountain sides. Marmots came out to greet us as we motored on by.

Almost to the summit I pulled over to take another couple of photos, don’t know if we’ll be this way again.

Once Atigun Pass was in my side mirror and long behind us it was time to once again for a little fishing. It turned out to be a lucky place; I pulled one Arctic Grayling out of the pool.

Back on the road again, soon we caught up with two guys on bicycle, nether one knew each other till they meet on the road. I made a stop and talked with them for a short while, they’re headed back to Fairbanks, Julie and I wished them safe journey as we moved on.

Somewhere further down the road along the Dietrich River we made another stop, you guess it more fishing. Didn’t have any luck here, in the meantime those bicyclists caught up with us and soon were gone from sight. No fish were caught, but there was no way to ruin the day with all this gorgeous scenery surrounding us.

Thirty more minutes down the road, suddenly my wife start shouting “I saw a bear, a brown bear by the road”, I had to back up and look around for him. Julie saw him in the bushes headed for the pipeline, did get some photos of that brown bear/grizzly. Somehow this would be the only bear we would see during our entire journey in Alaska.

The bear walk along the pipeline for a bit looked under it at me with the look of “your just not going to leave me alone are you?” and like magic disappeared into the wilderness. Julie just happen to see him popping his head up by the road, I miss him completely.

Middle Fork Koyukuk River 4 would be our next fishing stop. This was a beautiful stop along the torques waters of this river.

I was beginning to wonder where’s all fish were at as I slowly reeled my lure back, once the lure was insight a fish was following it, come on bit it! No such luck!

Leaving this roadside stop and heading for the little hamlet of Wiseman, a nice side trip off the Haul Road.

Wiseman was created in 1908 and is still a viable community that has managed to survive all these decades.

A single road winds its way through this quite, rustic town with the Koyukuk River1 running close by. Wiseman encourages visitors to browse through their town with displays of ancient equipment for all to see.

Crossing over Wiseman Creek to see the rest of this little hamlet.

We drove to end of the road which was the airfield.

We spotted what looked like a museum of sorts and stopped to a look.

It was an interesting diversion and that the people of this town would go through all the trouble of setting up a place like this. Back at the truck camper and on the way out we saw a for real phone for public use.

Wiseman old post office…1909-1956

Back on the Haul Road heading south, it was a beautiful day as we motored on south. Passing by Minnie Creek, were we spent our second night on the Haul Road.

The township of Coldfoot breezed on by, didn’t see a soul on the road for quite awhile.

The next few miles after Coldfoot would be flying gravel, narrow road and sharing with a bicyclist.

We wouldn’t be stopping again till Jim River1 for a little more fishing. Here I had to dress in mosquito net attire, they believe I was the afternoon meal, I think not!

Wrapping up the fishing stop with only one catch, the next few miles would see little in the way of traffic but great on glorious scenery.

The miles rolled by quickly as we passed through the roller coaster area.

BLM 60 mile campground/Hot spot Café was coming up and that would be our end of the day.

July 10, 2017
It would be a late, lazy start with doing a dump of the waste tanks.There’s plenty of room at the RV dumps with fresh water from an artesian well (see above video)

Several cargo containers made up the Hot Spot Café, where the kitchen was at several white boards listed menu items, we order the BooBoo burger.

If you have nothing else here it should be the BooBoo burger, it was awesome, the owner Theresa Morin came out and we talked for a while.

We enjoyed our visitor and the burger but it was time to hit the road, Fairbanks was the end of the day for us.

Up ahead of us is a truck making a slow trek up the Yukon Bridge.

There is a large pull out area not far from the end/beginning of the Dalton Road (Haul Road) that gives a wonderful view of the valley below.

This would be pretty much of last view of the Haul Road before getting back on #2 south to Fairbanks, about 80 miles to go.

The fire that we left behind days ago is still raging on, there was some light smoke that crossed our path.

Back into the thick of traffic, we would be spending the next couple days in Fairbanks restocking, washing the Haul Road mud off the truck, one night a Walmart and one night at Riverview RV Park you know laundry, showers and some planning of the next leg of this adventure.

Thanks to everyone for following along, Alex Blasingame aka c.traveler2/ travelingman21000

Part 15

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